1. hafta |
Optik Sabitler arasındaki Bağıntılar |
2. hafta |
The van Roosbroeck-Shockley Relation |
3. hafta |
The Configuration Diagram |
4. hafta |
Fundamental Transitions;
Exciton Recombination |
5. hafta |
Conduction band-to-valence band transitions;
Direct transitions |
6. hafta |
Indirect transitions;
Self absorption |
7. hafta |
Case of a heavily doped semiconductor |
8. hafta |
Emission with carrier interaction |
9. hafta |
Transition between tails of states |
10. hafta |
Transition between a band and an impurity level;
Shallow transitions |
11. hafta |
Deep transitions;
Transitions to deep levels |
12. hafta |
Donor-Acceptor transitions |
13. hafta |
Nonradiative Recombination;
Auger effect
14. hafta |
Multiple-phonon emission |