İTN519 - Introduction to Nano. and Nanotech. (Nanobi. ve Nanote. G.)
İTN521 - Nanotechnology and Society (Nanoteknoloji ve Toplum)
İTN524 - Semiconductor Materials and Devices in Nanotechnology (Nano
İTN527 - Basic Ch. Nano. (Nan. Te. Kar. Tek.)
İTN531 - Computational Approaches in Nanomaterials (Nan.iç. H.Ya.)
İTN537 - Deep Lea. and Art. Neural Net.(Derin Öğr. ve Ya. Si. Ağ)
İTN592 - Seminar (Seminer)
İTN790 - Thesis (Tez)
UİT701 - Research in Area of Specialization (Uzmanlık Alan Dersi)