Week - 1 |
The first law of thermodynamics: Reversibility and irreversibility, internal energy, enthalpy, connections of internal energy and enthalpy to pressure, volume and heat. |
Week - 2 |
The second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle |
Week - 3 |
Entropy, the change of entropy in the system, surroundings and universe |
Week - 4 |
The third law of thermodynamics |
Week - 5 |
Thermochemistry: Changes of internal energy in chemical reactions , Hess' Law in chemical reactions, dependence of reaction enthalpies on the temperature, |
Week - 6 |
Hess' Law, Dependence of reaction entalphies on the temperature |
Week - 7 |
Free Energy and Chemical Equilibria: Standard molar free energies; chemical potential |
Week - 8 |
The pressure and temperature dependence of the free energy; fugacity |
Week - 9 |
The Thermodinamic Treatment of Multicomponent Systems; Ideal and nonideal solutions |
Week - 10 |
Partial molar properties |
Week - 11 |
Colligative properties |
Week - 12 |
Phase Equilibria; Phase rule; Phase Diagrams |
Week - 13 |
Phase Diagrams (cont.) |
Week - 14 |
The thermodinamics treatment of nonideal systems |