Week - 1 |
Solid structure, phase changes, bonds between atoms |
Week - 2 |
Crystal Structure: Introduction, Crystallography, Crystal Lattice, Base, Wigner Seitz Cell, Primitive Cell, Unit cell concepts, crystal planes and directions, Typical crystal structures: Cubic and close-packed structure, Structure of ionic solids, diamond and ZnS structures, Quasi crystals |
Week - 3 |
Crystal Structure: X-Ray Diffraction, Bragg's Law, Reverse Lattice, Structure Factor, Atomic Form Factor |
Week - 4 |
Crystal Dynamics: Introduction, Sound waves, vibrations of one-dimensional crystals: vibrations of crystals with identical atoms, vibrations of crystals with different diatomic atoms, vibrations of three-dimensional crystals |
Week - 5 |
Crystal Dynamics: Phonons, Heat capacity due to lattice vibrations, Einstein and Debye Models |
Week - 6 |
Midterm |
Week - 7 |
Crystal Dynamics: Crystal Defects, Anharmonic Phenomena - Thermal expansion, Phonon-phonon interaction, Thermal conduction with phonons |
Week - 8 |
Free electrons in metals: Free electron model, Energy levels in one dimension, Fermi-Dirac Distribution, Three-dimensional free electron gas, Heat capacity of electron gas |
Week - 9 |
Metals and Conductivity; Fundamental properties of metals, Conductivity in real space, Drude model, Lorentz model, Quantized free electron model |
Week - 10 |
Effect of periodic lattice potential - Energy bands, Classification of solids according to their electrical conductivity, Tight Bonding Approximation, effective mass |
Week - 11 |
Midterm |
Week - 12 |
Semiconductors |
Week - 13 |
Fermi Surface |
Week - 14 |
Plasmon, Polariton and Polaron |