1 |
Having advanced level of knowledge in the field |
2 |
Set goals and aims for Organization / Institution. |
3 |
Have an ability to transfer information related to the field to workers and team workers. |
4 |
Take responsibility in accordance with the project’s goals as project manager or participant. |
5 |
Do research and work on issues related to the field. |
6 |
Have an ability to interpret and analyse data, identfy the problems and suggest solutions using the field knowledge in their decisions,behaviors and imlementations. |
7 |
evaluate the knowlege and skills he/she got critically |
8 |
Shows understanding of the need for continuity of learning. |
9 |
Transmits houghts and suggestions on acquired knowledge and skills to the interested parties. |
10 |
Communicate effectively with stakeholders in the field. |
11 |
Communicate in a foreign language at minimum B1 level, as defined by the European Language Portfolio so as to follow the information on their own field and communicate with the colleagues. |
12 |
Adheres to ethical values of organizational/corporation, business and social. |
13 |
Analyze and organise the relations with stakeholders of organization/corporation |
14 |
Have skill to promote innovations. |
15 |
Think critically on organization / institution. |
16 |
Have sufficient awareness about the universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values and environmental protection, occupational health and safety issues. |
17 |
Have knowledge required by legal, social and environmental frame that all transportation operations included. |
18 |
Have advanced institutive and practical knowledge on field of transportation/logistics and related engineering, supported by books, equipments and other recourses includes update information. |
19 |
Make use of theoretical and practical knowledge together on transportation management, logistics, transportation and their own field concurrently for management solutions. |
20 |
Identify, define, formulate and solve engineering problems on field of transportation/logistics; select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques appropriate for this purpose. |
21 |
Select and use modern techniques and devices required for fundamental engineering applications of transportation / logistics. |
22 |
Conduct studies at an advanced level in the related engineering subject on field of transportations/logistis independently. |
23 |
Know how to access information and do literature survey; and make use of databases and other information resources. |
24 |
Take active responsibility in individual work or multi-disciplinary team work. |
25 |
Work independently on engineering problems related to transportation / logistics content |
26 |
Plan project development workshops and conduct related activities in their own field. |
27 |
Organize, plan and process team works in the field of engineering related tranportation/logistics projects. |
28 |
Are aware of the need for lifelong learning; about marine management, land, sea, air and railway transport, logistics and engineering issues keep up with the developments in science and technology and technology and renew themselves continuously, and acquired in the field of information / skills critically evaluates the approach own field of study. |
29 |
Identify, define, formulate and solve engineering problems on field of transportation/logistics; select and apply analytical methods and modeling techniques appropriate for this purpose. |
30 |
Select and use modern techniques and devices required for engineering applications on field of transportation/logistics. |
31 |
Assume active responsibility in individual work or multi-disciplinary team work. |
32 |
Have awareness of universal and social influences of their engineering solutions and applications related to transportations/logistics; effectively communicates with persons and institutes related own field and develops suggestions on solving problems and shares own ideas in written/spoken (oral) with support of qualitative/quantitative data. |
33 |
Have awareness of universal and social influences of their engineering solutions and applications related to transportations/logistics; are conscious about entrepreneurship and innovation; and have knowledge about problems of the age in which they live and organize and implement project and activities. |
34 |
Have advanced level perfections on information communication system. |
35 |
Know how to access information and do literature survey; and make use of databases and other information resources. |
36 |
Have consciousness about project management, workplace practices, workers’ health, environmental risk evaluation, environmental and work safety; and have awareness about legal consequences of engineering applications. |
37 |
Have consciousness about project management, workplace practices, workers’ health, environmental risk evaluation, environmental and work safety; and have awareness about legal consequences of engineering applications. |