Week - 1 |
General Information about mathematical softwares |
Week - 2 |
Basic elements and commands of Maple |
Week - 3 |
Numerical and symbolic commands, plotting commands |
Week - 4 |
Basic mathematical functions and commands, packages |
Week - 5 |
Introduction to programming in Maple and defining variables |
Week - 6 |
For and For-while loop |
Week - 7 |
Examples for the loop For and some classical algorithms |
Week - 8 |
If statement |
Week - 9 |
Examples for If statement and some classical algorithms |
Week - 10 |
Defining a procedure and some examples |
Week - 11 |
Classical examples in Maple programming |
Week - 12 |
Classical examples in Maple programming |
Week - 13 |
Storing and exporting data in Maple |
Week - 14 |
Create and remove file in Maple etc. |