Week - 1 |
Student practices pre-flight preparation including documentation, and computation of take-off performance data; pre-flight checks including radio and navigation equipment checks and settings. |
Week - 2 |
Student practices the skills regarding before take-off checks including power plant checks, and take-off briefing by PF; normal take-offs with different flap settings, tasks of PF and PNF, call-outs. |
Week - 3 |
Student practices the information regarding rejected take-offs; crosswind take-offs; take-offs at maximum take-off mass; engine failure after V1; normal and abnormal operation of aircraft systems, and use of checklists. |
Week - 4 |
Student becomes self-confident by applying selected emergency procedures to include engine failure and fire,smoke control and removal, windshear during take-off and landing, emergency descent, incapacitation of a flight crew member;Early recognition of and reaction on approaching stall in differing aircraft configurations. |
Week - 5 |
Student practices instrument flight procedures including holding procedures; precision approaches using raw navigation data, flight director and automatic pilot, one engine simulated inoperative approaches,non-precision and circling approaches, approach briefing by PF, setting of navigation equipment, call-out procedures during approaches; computation of approach and landing data. |
Week - 6 |
Student practices applications like go-arounds (normal and with one engine simulated inoperative), transition from instrument to visual flight on reaching decision height or minimum descent height/altitude, landings (normal, crosswind and with one engine simulated inoperative), transition from instrument to visual flight on reaching decision height or minimum descent height/altitude. |
Week - 7 |
Student practices applications like go-arounds (normal and with one engine simulated inoperative), transition from instrument to visual flight on reaching decision height or minimum descent height/altitude, landings (normal, crosswind and with one engine simulated inoperative), transition from instrument to visual flight on reaching decision height or minimum descent height/altitude. |