Week - 1 |
Introduction to communicatin systems. |
Week - 2 |
Noise, Sampling theorem, Filtering, Oscillators |
Week - 3 |
Amplitude modulation,Mathematical expression of AM, Generation of AM, Types of AM |
Week - 4 |
Single Side Band (SSB), Definition of SSB, Generation of SSB |
Week - 5 |
Angle Modulation theorem, Relationship between Phase and Frquency modulation |
Week - 6 |
Angle Modulation theorem, Relationship between Phase and Frquency modulation . |
Week - 7 |
Frequency modulation (FM),Mathematical expression of FM, Spectrum of FM waves, Generation of FM, Comparing of AM and FM |
Week - 8 |
Radio receivers, Types of receivers |
Week - 9 |
AM and FM receivers |
Week - 10 |
Digital Modulation |
Week - 11 |
Tranmission lines, Types of tranmission lines, Characteristic empedans and Reflection coefficient, Incident and Reflected waves |
Week - 12 |
Tranmission lines, Types of tranmission lines, Characteristic empedans and Reflection coefficient, Incident and Reflected waves |
Week - 13 |
Antennas (Antenna theory) |
Week - 14 |
Antennas (Classification of antennas and antenna parameters) |