Week - 1 |
Fundamentals of Radio Waves |
Week - 2 |
VDF (VHF Direction Finder), ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) |
Week - 3 |
VOR (VHF Omni Range) |
Week - 4 |
DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) |
Week - 5 |
ILS (Instrument Landing System) |
Week - 6 |
ILS (Instrument Landing System) |
Week - 7 |
MLS (Microwave Landing System) |
Week - 8 |
Hyperbolic Navigation: Omega, LORAN-C
Week - 9 |
Doppler Navigation
Week - 10 |
RADAR Working Principles |
Week - 11 |
ATC Transponder, SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar)
Week - 12 |
ATC Transponder, SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) |
Week - 13 |
AWR (Airborne Weather Radar), TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System)
Week - 14 |
Radar altimeter, GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System)