Week - 1 |
Course Policy; Basic Definitions and Laws: Overview of Aerodynamics, Applications, Unit Systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion
Week - 2 |
Flight Enviroment: Properties of Gases, Basic Gas Laws, Atmopshere, ISA Model
Week - 3 |
Aerodynamic Forces: Flow of gases; Generation of Aerodynamic forces, Factors affecting aerodynamic forces
Week - 4 |
One-dimensional Incompressible Flow: Continuity Equation, Bernoulli Equation, Airspeed Measuring Techniques
Week - 5 |
Viscous Flow:Boundary Layer Theory, Laminar and Turbulent FLow, Estimation of Viscous Drag
Week - 6 |
Two-dimensional Incompressible Flow: Airfoil Terminology, Flow around an airfoil |
Week - 7 |
Two-dimensional Incompressible Flow: : Flow around basic shapes, Estimation of forces on airfoil, Lift, Drag, Pitching Moment. |
Week - 8 |
Three-dimensional Incompressible Flow: Wing Terminology, Flow around Finite Wings, Induced Drag, Drag polar equation |
Week - 9 |
Aerodynamic Devices: High-lift devices, Boundary Layer Control, Spoilers and Brakes |
Week - 10 |
One-dimensional Compressible Flow: High-speed regimes, Compressibility, Calculation of Airspeed, Bernoulli Equation for Compressible Flow |
Week - 11 |
Two-dimensional Compressible Flow: Compressible Flow around airfoil |
Week - 12 |
Two-dimensional Compressible Flow: Transonic and supersonic flight regimes, wave drag, transonic profiles, area rule, compressible drag polar equation |
Week - 13 |
1-D Compressible Flow |
Week - 14 |
Compressibility Effects on Airfoil and Aircraft: Transonik and Supersonic Flows |