Week - 1 |
The chess history and its improvement |
Week - 2 |
Chess notation and symbols |
Week - 3 |
Places of chess pieces. Moves of the Rook, Bishop and Queen. Piece captures. |
Week - 4 |
Moves of Knight, Pawn and King – Piece captures |
Week - 5 |
Threatening the pieces, Discovered Attack, Double attack |
Week - 6 |
Check, Discovered check, Double check |
Week - 7 |
Castling, Promotion, En passant and stalemate |
Week - 8 |
Simple mates - mates in one move |
Week - 9 |
End game – Exercise: Mate in two moves |
Week - 10 |
Mate with Queen and Rook |
Week - 11 |
Threatening the pieces and Defence
Week - 12 |
Chess openings and their principles |
Week - 13 |
Pin, Discovered check, Fork, Skewer, double attack, sacrifice |
Week - 14 |
End game, advanced pawn against Queen and Rook. |