Week - 1 |
Course description, programme and expectations. |
Week - 2 |
Design and communication concepts, definition of culture, early ages, the Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, ındustrial design discipline. |
Week - 3 |
Communication process, quantitative and qualitative studies, Main Stream Media and Frankfurt Ecole, Semiotics; Physical and nonphysical functions in design. |
Week - 4 |
Physical functions, signs and control enstruments in human-product interaction. |
Week - 5 |
The typology of graphich symbols; logotype, logo, emblem, logogram, pictogram, diagram, phonogram etc. |
Week - 6 |
Concept of identity, corporate identity, capitalism and consumption society; communication and ideology. |
Week - 7 |
Movie presentation and discussions. |
Week - 8 |
Semiolgic analysis, examples related to design processes. |
Week - 9 |
Form, context and meaning; musical composition examples. |
Week - 10 |
Denotation and connotation in design, transformations of physical and nonphisical functions. |
Week - 11 |
Discussions related to the transformations of physical and nonphysical functions on designed objects. |
Week - 12 |
Movie presentation and discussion. |
Week - 13 |
Sample project; critique and evaluations. |
Week - 14 |
Sample project; critique and evaluations. |