Week - 1 |
Elements of Mass Communication and Elements Preventing Communication |
Week - 2 |
Definition of concepts such as source, message, receiver, channel, effect, feedback, noise in mass communication. Laswell Model, Magic Bullet / Hypodermic Needle Theory, Shannon Weaver Model, Schram's Mass Communication Model |
Week - 3 |
DeFleur's Dependency Model Uses and Gratifications Theory. Katz, Berelson and Lazersfeld's Two Stage Information Flow Model. |
Week - 4 |
Opinion Leader, Threshold Guardian Concepts and Their Importance in Mass Communication |
Week - 5 |
The Place of Traditional and New Media in the Formation of Social Agenda in the Direction of Agenda Setting Theory |
Week - 6 |
The Spiral of Silence Theory and the Importance of Media in the Formation of Social Consent |
Week - 7 |
Hegemony Concept and Propaganda Theory in Media |
Week - 8 |
Effects of Manipulation and Disinformation Concepts in Media Content |
Week - 9 |
Social Responsibility of the Media and Criticisms against the Media on the Concept of Ethics |
Week - 10 |
Media Processing of Gender and Representation of Women in the Media |
Week - 11 |
Social Effects of Hate Speech and Violence in Media |
Week - 12 |
Definition, Purpose and Basic Principles of Media Literacy
Determinant Features of Critical Thinking.
Overview of New Media in the Scope of Media Literacy. |
Week - 13 |
Analysing Media Texts in the Framework of Critical Thinking and Media Literacy |
Week - 14 |
Analysis and Interpretation of Media Content and Films within the Framework of Critical Thinking and Media Literacy |