1 |
possess an advanced knowledge and understanding, required for original research in the main subjects of architecture, planning and design.
2 |
demonstrate a critical awareness about the problems between architecture / planning / and designing and other relevant fields related to the nature and source of knowledge, knowledge generation, and assessing knowledge
3 |
acquire necessary cognitive and practical skills required for vocational practice competency at Master Level
4 |
apply the acquired knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills in both new and unusual environments and within broader, interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary contexts related to their fields. |
5 |
possess an ability to develop new knowledge and methods in related research fields, and specialised problem solving skills to combine the data from different sources. |
6 |
conduct an academic research critically, and maintain an academic dialogue within its critical and categorical results. |
7 |
manage a study requiring expertise related to his/her field independently. |
8 |
define a project and manage it, act independently and have responsibilities in study and education environments . |
9 |
manage and transform works and learning contexts that require complex, unpredictable and new strategic approaches. |
10 |
contribute to the professional knowledge and practices of teams working in academc and practical environments and/or undertake responsibilities to evaluate strategic success. |
11 |
possess learning skills, that enable them to manage their own learning or sustain it independently on their own. |
12 |
clearly and systematically share findings and conclusions reached in a study with the underlying main scientific reasons and realities with professional or nonprofessional groups. |
13 |
show that they dialectically think on social norms and relations and also lead for progression. |
14 |
use necessary computer softwares with information and communication technologies interactively in advanced level. |
15 |
carry out academic research in a systematic and critical way and sustain academic dialogue for critical and categorical results; present and publish articles in both national and international mediums. |
16 |
possess all qualifications that are necessary to gain certification of profession at Masters degree. |
17 |
integrate knowlegde, handle complicated situations and make decisions with missing and limited information, being aware of social and ethic responsibilities which can result from the execution of information and decisions. |
18 |
develop strategies, policies and implementation plans about matters related to their field and evaluate the results according to quality processes. |
19 |
produce comprehensive projects to exhibit their decision making capacity for designing and planning in different scales by using the acquired knowledge, understanding and skills (with an understanding of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary relations). |