Week - 1 |
1. Will be able to realize the importance of endurance in children. 1.1. Explain physiological differences of endurance between children and adults with the reasons and results. 1.2. Classify sportive activities in endurance exercises. 1.3. Explain principle of individualty and increased loading parallel to child's development 1.4. Know acute and chronic effects of endurance loading an children. 1.5. Create and apply exercise programmes developing endurance on children. 1.6. Direct endurance progression process of children. |
Week - 2 |
2. Will be able explain importance of strength development. 2.1. Describe differences between boys and girls in strength development process. 2.2. Explain influences of strength development exercises on children's body composition. 2.3. Apply strength training principles. 2.4. Explain physiological and anatomical effects of strength training. 2.5. Know role of basic strength training's influence on children's performing basic skills. 2.6. Create and apply strength training models on children. 2.7. Explain basic elements which are important on children's strength training. |
Week - 3 |
2. Will be able explain importance of strength development. 2.1. Describe differences between boys and girls in strength development process. 2.2. Explain influences of strength development exercises on children's body composition. 2.3. Apply strength training principles. 2.4. Explain physiological and anatomical effects of strength training. 2.5. Know role of basic strength training's influence on children's performing basic skills. 2.6. Create and apply strength training models on children. 2.7. Explain basic elements which are important on children's strength training. |
Week - 4 |
3. Will be able to describe speed development according to children's development phases. 3.1. Comprehend physiological and anatomical apects of speed on children. 3.2. Explain principles of speed loading for boys and girls. 3.3. Analyze speed phases according to developmental process. 3.4. explain physiological and anatomical influences of loadings. 3.5. Create speed training models for children. 3.6. Apply speed training models for children. |
Week - 5 |
3. Will be able to describe speed development according to children's development phases. 3.1. Comprehend physiological and anatomical apects of speed on children. 3.2. Explain principles of speed loading for boys and girls. 3.3. Analyze speed phases according to developmental process. 3.4. explain physiological and anatomical influences of loadings. 3.5. Create speed training models for children. 3.6. Apply speed training models for children. |
Week - 6 |
4. Will be able to explain positive influences of flexibility traning of children's development process. 4.1. Define effect of flexibility training on growing development and maturity. 4.2. Explain flexibility training's basic element of motor education. 4.3. Comprehends flexibility training's importance and dynamic on coordinative motor skills. 4.4. Express flexibility differences between girls and boys in a scientific way. 4.5. Explain flexibility development methods. 4.6. Create flexibility trainings models. 4.7. Apply flexibility training programmes . |
Week - 7 |
4. Will be able to explain positive influences of flexibility traning of children's development process. 4.1. Define effect of flexibility training on growing development and maturity. 4.2. Explain flexibility training's basic element of motor education. 4.3. Comprehends flexibility training's importance and dynamic on oordinative motor skills. 4.4. Express flexibility differences between girls and boys in a scientific way. 4.5. Explain flexibility development methods. 4.6. Create flexibility trainings models. 4.7. Apply flexibility training programmes . |
Week - 8 |
4. Will be able to explain positive influences of flexibility traning of children's development process. 4.1. Define effect of flexibility training on growing development and maturity. 4.2. Explain flexibility training's basic element of motor education. 4.3. Comprehends flexibility training's importance and dynamic on oordinative motor skills. 4.4. Express flexibility differences between girls and boys in a scientific way. 4.5. Explain flexibility development methods. 4.6. Create flexibility trainings models. 4.7. Apply flexibility training programmes . |
Week - 9 |
5. Beceri antrenmanının aşamalarını çocukların gelişim süreciyle bağlantılı şekilde oluşturabilecektir. 5.1. Çocuklarda çok yönlü gelişimi tanımlar. 5.2. Beceri antrenmalarının aşamalarını yapılandırır. 5.3. Beceri antrenmanlarının alt yapısını oluşturan kondisyonel dinamikleri tanımlar. 5.4. Genelden özel beceri antrenmalarına pozitif transferi tasarlar. 5.5. Beceri antranmalarını planlar. 5.6. Beceri antrenmanlarını uygular. |
Week - 10 |
6. Will be able to questions impacts of loading for exellence in contest on children. 6.1. Understand in which silvations contests have positive effect on children's psycho-social and physiological development. 6.2. Explain negative results of over competition and ambition. 6.3. questions for suitable contest situations and find solutions. 6.4. Understand and defend positive impacts oc children's sportive activities on school and family situation. 6.5.Learns how to come over the effects of failure and success. 6.6. Develop and apply suitable contests models for children. 6.7. Guide talented children upper training phases. |
Week - 11 |
7. Will be able to produce and guide talent selection models. 7.1. Explain basic needs selecting talent on children. 7.2. Compare talent selection models and build models related to bransh. 7.3. Desing talent selection phases. 7.4. Plan and apply training phases of talented athletes. |
Week - 12 |
8. Will be able to explain effects of sport on disabled children's development. 8.1. Classify disabled children according to their disabilities. 8.2. Realize every feature of physical disabilities. 8.3. Define physicaland mental silvation related to disability. 8.4. Form exercise programmes related to disability. 8.5. Apply exercise programmes and guide the process |
Week - 13 |
9. Will be able to apply teaching methods used in sporth. 9.1. Use command teaching method in exercise application programme. 9.2. Use practise teaching method in exercise application programme. 9.3. Use cooperation teaching method in exercise application programme. 9.4. Use problem salving teaching method in exercise application programme. |
Week - 14 |
9. Will be able to apply teaching methods used in sporth. 9.1. Use command teaching method in exercise application programme. 9.2. Use practise teaching method in exercise application programme. 9.3. Use cooperation teaching method in exercise application programme. 9.4. Use problem solving teaching method in exercise application programme. |