Week - 1 |
General warming up, stretching in artistic gymnastics, resting on the arms in parallel, swinging Basic exercises. |
Week - 2 |
For men, kipe at the tip, for women asymmetrical parallel lower bar, kipe, base revolution, straight grip, reverse grip, handstand prüvet exercises on the floor. |
Week - 3 |
Kartvil Flik flak salto connections on the floor. types of salto; open back and twisted salto, on the balance instrument, Flik flak. salto finish. |
Week - 4 |
Forward salto on the floor, forward step salto; Überşılak forward salto connection. überşılak and carvil exercises from the jumping table. |
Week - 5 |
Jumps on the floor, turns, open leg jumps 1/2 twist. Asymmetric bar straight, reverse bar. Straight and inverted crossbar. |
Week - 6 |
Front open salto on the floor, front twists with saltos. Cartwheel from the vaulting table. |
Week - 7 |
Parallel flips in parallel, flips from the swing, lower salto leaning on the arms. |
Week - 8 |
In men, on the pull-up machine, pase turns. reach amut. stalder with base press. in women, base turn, salto finish. |
Week - 9 |
For men, spindles on the pommel horse, straight scissors, reverse scissors, revolutions on the handles. In women, handless Übersılak on the balance beam. jumps and turns. |
Week - 10 |
For men, in the ring apparatus, back slap, straight slap. Double arm out. For women, Handless Überchilak on the balance beam. |
Week - 11 |
Men on the Ring apparatus, L stance, Strength exercise, upper horizontal stance, Women on the asymmetric parallel, transition from lower bar to upper bar. |
Week - 12 |
In men's pommel horse, full round of revolutions, Çeko movement. Überşılak front salto on the women's vaulting table. |
Week - 13 |
Men on pull-up bar, reach amut, endo with base press. Women asymmetric bar stalder amut, inverted and straight crossbar, salto finish. |
Week - 14 |
On the ground, card flick flack full twist salto. cartweell flick flack and 1/2 twist front salto. |